"Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom.
If you don't live it, it won't come out of you." - Charlie Parker
Tuesday, June 7th, 2005
"Without music life would be a mistake." ~Friedrich Wilhelm
The final choir trip for the year of 2005 is finished; thus concludes the Alhambra Choir website created by Krisy Hafford.
A new era of Choir has been continued by Alex Cordon and Marvin Soto. Click Here to View. I will miss all of you and I wish you all well in the future.
There is in souls a sympathy with sounds: And as the mind is pitch'd the ear
is pleased With melting airs, or martial, brisk or grave; Some chord in unison with what we hear Is touch'd within
us, and the heart replies. ~William Cowper
Monday, May 23rd, 2005
Tonight was the choir banquet and we all had a blast! Thanks to everyone for coming, it was so much fun and a great way to end the year! Here are
the officers for next year *Congratulations!*: President: Miss Andi!
Vice-President: Marvin Soto!
Treasurer: Yolanda Canez!
Secretary: Areli Flores!
Historian: Tiffany Yarbro!
Librarian: To Be Announced!
Thursday, May 19th, 2005 Well, the school year is coming to a close,
but choir is still busy as ever! Our final concert is Saturday, May 21st at 7:00 PM. We'll see you all there! Our choir banquet
will be held at GameWorks on this coming Monday. Free gaming begins at 6:00pm and the banquet begins at 7:00 pm. Carpools
are available. Join us for a good time!
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Congratulations to Krisy Hafford (aka me tee hee), for gaining acceptance
into Northern Arizona University's School of Music! Woo! :) (Wish me luck everyone!)
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I hope everyone is having a swell spring break! Stay safe and have fun!
Saturday, February 12,
Congrats to the Honor Choirs (Girl's and Da Capo) on their achievement at this year's Jazz/Mad Festival
at NAU. Girl's Choir received a rating of Excellent in Vocal Jazz, and Honor Choir also received an Excellent but in Madrigals.
Good job!
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Da Capo had a practice-a-thon for 4 hours on Saturday! Good times! In more news, Regional Auditions are
coming up on Friday, January 28th! Good luck to all who try out. Keep raising money for England! You can do it!
January 9, 2005
Just wishing you all a happy new year! I hope everything is going well with all of you. Choir has been
doing many things lately, especially for people who are raising money to go to London. Don't give up, we can make it! I added
a new page so have fun with that! Keep on rockin' kiddos!
Thursday, November 25, 2004 Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have a wonderful break from
school and we'll see you all back on Monday! Be safe, eat a lot (poor turkeys)!
Monday, November 8, 2004
Thanks to everyone who helped work at Greater Phoenix Honor Choir and Nascar this past weekend! We really
appreciate your support. Congratulations to everyone who performed in GPHC, it was awesome. Jared, Jimmy, Alexandria, Alex,
Krisy, Rikki, Andi, Alex B., Dan, and Trish, thanks for representing Alhambra!
Monday, September 27, 2004
Woops sorry I haven't really kept this up to date. Aye me the stressful life of a senior. But!
Our first concert is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 28th. That should be a blast. Invite all your friends. Next Saturday we
have another car wash at Arby's (43rd and Dunlap), and that same saturday, Honor Choir (aka da capo) is competing for the
first time this year. Good luck y'all!
Monday, August 9th, 2004
Welcome back all! We're looking towards another super great year
of choir, tee hee.
What better to start off the year than by fundraising for Europe immediately! CAR WASH. Saturday,
August 14th at 43rd Ave. and Dunlap at the Arby's. We'll be there from 8am-12pm. So come help wash cars or at least bring
yourself a car to get washed!
Tuesday, Man 25, 2004 Farewell, Seniors. We will miss all of you (in alphabetical
order). This Thursday will be the last time all of us sing together as a group... ever!!! I, Krisy Hafford, wish the best
of luck to all of you and I hope your lives take you to happy places and fun adventures. Come back and visit or else I will
hunt you down. Okay, back to third person! Thanks to everyone who went to the Choir Banquet '04 on Tuesday, it was a blast...
although I don't think the restaurant enjoyed the cake on the floor.. and everywhere else for that matter! Congratulations
to our new officers for the 2004-2005 school year! Here they are:
President: Krisy Hafford
Vice-President: Jared Salinas
Secretary: Jeanette Lopez Treasurer: Brandi Jessop
Librarian: Jimmy Lee
Historian: Alex Belleville
I'm looking forward to the best year
ever! Have a great summer vacation everyone!
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Well, we defeated Chicago! We came home with three silver medals, 2nd place
in Concert Choir and 1st place in Jazz. Hooray
Saturday, March 5, 2004
Well, last night was a great night for Alhambra Choir. The concert went super great and I'm so
very proud of all of us. Concert Choir was very impressive and I have to say that out of all of the many high school choirs
I've seen, our beginning choir is definitely the best! Great job everyone!!
Sunday, Februrary 8, 2004
Well, Honor Choir just got back from Flagstaff competition. They did super well, I'm so proud.
They recieved a Superior ranking in Madrigals... and then some other stuff heh heh. Anyways, it was a blast!
Thursday, January 29th, 2004 It's been quite a while but there's a few things that need to be said. First,
thanks to everyone who tried out for Regional Choir and congratulations, it takes a lot to go through with it. Chris
Metz wins the prize of actually getting into it, yay Chris! Just a friendly reminder that next Friday Honor Choir is going
to NAU! Wish 'em luck! They'll be competing in both Jazz and Madrigal. Bye bye!
Thursday, December 25th, 2003
Merry Christmas/Happy New Year kids! I hope you're all having a super good winter break! Don't forget the
Fiesta Bowl (those of you that are working) and our 8 hour Practice-a-thon when we get back! (yayyyy)
Monday, November 24th, 2003
Thanks to everyone who came to the Choir Potluck! It was super awesome and the turkeys and skits
were great! Now it's time to focus on our next concert, December 3rd. It's a biggie, sell some tickets.. remember:
PRESALE ONLY. Happy Thanksgiving guys!
Wednesday, October 1st, 2003
Congratulations to the people who made it into Greater Phoenix Honor Choir! This year it's going
to be at Alhambra woo woo! Sopranos: Jane Chi, Neo Belleville Altos: Antrea Ferguson, Krisy Hafford (3rd Chair),
Katie King, Rikki Shannon (1st Chair), Keisha Smith Tenor: Francisco Jared Salinas (2nd Chair)
Bass: Jimmy Lee, Chris Metz
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003
Welcome back kiddies.. what's new with choir? Well.. we're selling
candles.. sell em good because we have a lot of money to raise the next couple of years! Happy Birthday to Jar Jar (16
years old, Sept. 14th) and Jimmy (17 years old, Sept. 10th)!!!!
Saturday, August 2nd
Here's an announcement to all Concert Choir people: If you didn't already know, we're starting our year
in choir a little bit early. We have two scheduled practices this Thursday and Friday (August 7/8) from 2:00-3:30
p.m. Wee.
Sunday, May 25th
The new choir officers for the 2003-2004 school year are as follow:
President: Chris Metz
Vice-President: Krisy Hafford
Secretary: Neo Belleville
Treasurer: Elvis Sanchez
Historian: Jane Chi
Librarian: Kadey King
Tuesday, May 20th
And yet another year comes to a close. Choir has one last performance, which is at Graduation.
We're all going to miss the seniors greatly and we look forward to having a great choir next year! Bye guys!
Sunday, May 4th
Today the Treble Makers and Concert Choir got back from California! Can you believe the end of school
is almost over?? Well, they didn't come home empty handed. The Treble Makers recieved a silver award. Their
average score was 85. Good job ladies! Concert Choir also recieved a Silver award in the Madrigal category. Concert
Choir also placed 2nd in Jazz and were awarded a Silver Award. Great way to represent Alhambra!